Effect of Wettability on Oil Recovery and breakthrough Time for Immiscible Gas Flooding

The effect of wettability on oil recovery at higher water saturation is still not fully understood, especially in the case of mixed wettability. This study was conducted to examine the effects of wettability on oil recovery and breakthrough time through experiments for two wettability conditions (water-wet and mixed-wet) and three water saturations (20%, 40%, and 60%). Clashach sandstone core with a porosity of 12.8% and a permeability of 75 md was utilized as the porous media. Immiscible gas flooding was performed by injecting nitrogen gas into the core at room temperature and pressure. The results showed 54.3% and 48.8% of the initial oil in place (IOIP) as the ultimate oil recovery at 40% water saturation from mixed-wet core and water-wet core respectively. In contrast, the water-wet core displayed better results (32.6% of the IOIP) in terms of breakthrough time compared to the results of water-wet core (10.6% of the IOIP) at the same water saturation. In conclusion, oil recovery was found highly dependent on water saturation while breakthrough time was mainly affected by the wettability of the cores.
Breakthrough time; enhanced oil recovery; immiscible gas flooding; wettability; water saturation
Farad, S., Mugisa, J., Alahdal, H. A., Idris, A. K., Kisiki, N. H., & Kabenge, I. (2016). Effect of wettability on oil recovery and breakthrough time for immiscible gas flooding. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34(20), 1705-1711.https://doi.org/10.1080/10916466.2016.1219747