A Prototype for Simulating the Kinematics of Crane Rigging Oscillatory Motion using Simphony.Net

Crane hoisting operations represent a significant portion of the work scope on construction sites, especially those that have adopted a modularized approach to construction. Creating metrics that can be used in the automation of these processes can result in higher jobsite efficiencies from a safety and productivity perspective. This study created a virtual simulation environment prototype that can be experimented with to generate the required metrics for crane hoisting automation. The equation of motion for this oscillatory motion was first defined. Thereafter numeric solutions to this equation were explored from a continuous simulation perspective using Simphony.NET. Then prototyping of simple pendulum motion was implemented using the continuous simulation services in Simphony.NET and verification done using Mathematica.
Ekyalimpa, R., Chiteri, M. A., & AbouRizk, S. (2016, December). A prototype for simulating the kinematics of crane rigging oscillatory motion using Simphony. NET. In 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 3290-3301). IEEE.https://doi.org/10.1109/WSC.2016.7822360