All-Optical Reservoir Computing on a Photonic Chip Using Silicon-Based Ring Resonators

We present in our work numerical results on the performance of a 4 × 4 swirl-topology photonic reservoir integrated on a silicon chip. Nonlinearmicroring resonators are used as nodes. We analyze the performance of such a reservoir on a classical nonlinear Boolean task (the delayed XOR task) for: various designs of the reservoir in terms of lengths of the waveguides between consecutive nodes, and various injection parameters (injected power and optical detuning). From this analysis, we find that this kind of reservoir can perform–for a large variety of parameters–the delayed XOR task at 20 Gb/s with bit error rates lower than 10−3 and an averaged injection power lower than 2.5 mW.
Reservoir computing, Silicon photonics, Ring resonators
Denis-Le Coarer, F., Sciamanna, M., Katumba, A., Freiberger, M., Dambre, J., Bienstman, P., & Rontani, D. (2018). All-optical reservoir computing on a photonic chip using silicon-based ring resonators. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(6), 1-8.