Building Strong Academic Libraries and Library Professionals in Uganda Through the University of Pretoria Carnegie CPD Programme
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Inclusive Libraries and Information Services
Academic libraries are encountering numerous changes due to the emerging information communication technologies trends and the ever-changing information-seeking behaviour of their users. For the librarians to effectively implement these trends and remain competitive, they need to be regularly engaged in continuing professional development (CPD) activities. The study aimed to find out the factors that influenced the motivation to participate in the University of Pretoria (UP) Carnegie CPD programme and the potential impact on service delivery of the selected academic libraries in Uganda as represented in the programme. The study applied a qualitative research design with an interpretive research approach. Exponential non-discriminative snowball sampling was used to recruit participants. The sample size of the study included eight Academic Librarians who attended the UP Carnegie CPD programme between 2014 and 2018. Data was collected using face to face semi-structured interviews and electronically using ZOOM (online platform). The findings of this study show that most UP Carnegie CPD participants mainly attended the programme due to its rich content; the hands-on subject coverage and new ICT trends, and the need to build their professional networks. The study also revealed the following challenges that were encountered by the participants during the implementations of the various initiatives drawn from the CPD knowledge and skills: difficulty in managing social media platform, lack of IR back-end support, limited data analysis skills required in providing research support, library users’ lack of interest in IL training, limited collaboration between
Faculty and Librarians, and technophobia from some library staff who frustrate implementation efforts. The study provides recommendations on how to address these challenges
Juma, G. M., Nakaziba, S., & Holmner, M. (2021). Building Strong Academic Libraries and Library Professionals in Uganda Through the University of Pretoria Carnegie CPD Programme.