Automated Segmentation of Nucleus, Cytoplasm and Background of Cervical Cells from Pap-smear Images using a Trainable Pixel Level Classifier

Cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most prevalent cancer affecting women worldwide and its early detection provides the opportunity to help save life. Automated diagnosis of cervical cancer from pap-smear images enables accurate, reliable and timely analysis of the condition's progress. Cell segmentation is a fundamental aspect of successful automated pap-smear analysis. In this paper, a potent approach for segmentation of cervical cells from a pap-smear image into the nucleus, cytoplasm and background using pixel level information is proposed. A number of pixels from the nuclei, cytoplasm and background are extracted from 100 images to form a feature vector which is trained using noise reduction, edge detection and texture filters to produce a pixel level classifier. Comparison of the segmented images' nucleus and cytoplasm parameters (nucleus area, longest diameter, roundness, perimeter and cytoplasm area, longest diameter, roundness, perimeter) with the ground truth image features yielded average percentage errors of 0.14, 0.28, 0.03, 0.30, 0.15, 0.25, 0.05 and 0.39 respectively. Validation of the pixel classifier with 10fold cross-validation yielded pixel classification accuracy of 98.50%, 97.70% and 98.30% with Fast Random Forest, Naïve Bayes and J48 classification methods respectively. Comparison of the segmented nucleus and cytoplasm with the ground truth nucleus and cytoplasm segmentations resulted into a Zijdenbos similarity index greater than 0.9321 and 0.9639 for nucleus and cytoplasm segmentation respectively. The results indicated that the proposed pixel level segmentation classifier was able to extract the nucleus and cytoplasm regions accurately and worked well even though there was no significant contrast between the components in the image. The results from cross-validation and test set evaluation imply that the classifier can segment cells outside the training dataset with high precision.
Cervix, Segmentation, Machine Learning
Wasswa, W., Obungoloch, J., Basaza-Ejiri, A. H., & Ware, A. (2019, October). Automated segmentation of nucleus, cytoplasm and background of cervical cells from pap-smear images using a trainable pixel level classifier. In 2019 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.