Biofortified East African Highland Bananas to Alleviate Vitamin A Deficiency in Uganda

Micronutrient deficiency, also referred to as hidden hunger, is a global public health problem that affects over two billion people (Tulchinsky, 2010). In Uganda, micronutrient deficiency is the third most important public health problem after HIV/AIDS and malaria. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) are the major causes of anaemia in Uganda. VAD affects 20-35% of children below five years of age and the same proportion of women of child-bearing age. The aim of the Banana 21 project is to alleviate vitamin A deficiency through biofortification of Uganda’s major staple food, banana.
Biofortified East African Highland Bananas, Vitamin A Deficiency, Uganda
Buah, S., Tindamanyire, J., Namanya, P., Kubiriba, J., Paul, JY, Dale, J., & Tushemereirwe, W. (2019). Biofortified East African highland bananas to alleviate vitamin A deficiency in Uganda. Gates Open Res , 3 .