Determinants of wellbeing among smallholders in Adjumani District, Uganda
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An ordered logistic regression model was used to empirically establish the
quantitati ve effects of community identi fied (local) determinants of wellbeing on the
level of household wellbeing. The model was fitted to data for a sample of 200
households collected in t he last quarter of 2002. The dependent variable, poverty
category, has three levels namely poorest =1, Less poor =2, and Better off = 3.
Fourteen independent vari ables are used.
Results show that households that own ³ 5 acreage of land, that are male headed,
have a nonagricultural source of income and are actively involved in agricultural
development activiti es have a higher probability (odds) of enjoyi ng wellbeing above
any given level. Land ownership seems to be the most importa nt determinant of
wellbeing in Adjumani district. Furthermore, owning livestock and having a
household head with an education level of secondary school and above are also
important determinants of household wellbeing in Adjumani distri ct.
We find household wellbeing t o be negati vely affected by household size, age of the
household head and whether any family member has had any long illness although
only the age of the household is significant.
We recommend deepening of t he Universal Primary Education (UPE) and initiation
of Universal Secondary Education to increase the education levels of the rural people.
We also recommend continued and expansion of community level agricultural
development activities, strengthening of the land tenure provisions to enhance access
to land and initiation of progra ms to enhance animal ownership among small holder
farmers in Adjumani.
Adjumani, Poverty analysis, Ordinal logit
Bashaasha, B., Kidoido, M., & Hansen, E. F. (2006). Determinants of wellbeing among smallholders in Adjumani District, Uganda (No. 1004-2016-78832).