The representation of the environmental crises on Lake Victoria in Uganda’s media: A critical analysis of the Victoria Voice radio documentaries

This article is concerned with how the environmental crises on Lake Victoria is addressed by the media in Uganda, while confining its focus on a single radio case study, and presents a critical textual analysis of the discourses and discursive practices of the Victoria Voice environmental radio documentaries aired on Uganda’s Central Broadcasting Service (CBS) radio in 2005. The analysis focuses on two representative episodes of the Victoria Voice radio series relating to the situation on Lake Victoria. It argues that the framing and construction of the situation on Lake Victoria tend to privilege the wealthy or powerful elite rather than address the root causes of environmental degradation. The marginalization of the powerless (or ordinary people) recurs in these episodes, and while their voices are included in the programmes, they are framed by the more socially powerful.
critical discourse analysis, environmental crisis, radio broadcasting, Victoria Voice
Jjuuko, M., & Prinsloo, J. (2014). The representation of the environmental crises on Lake Victoria in Uganda’s media: A critical analysis of the Victoria Voice radio documentaries. Journal of African Media Studies, 6(2), 213-229.