Evaluation of functional resilience in urban drainage and flood management systems using a global analysis approach
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Urban Water Journal
Enhancing resilience in urban drainage systems (UDSs) requires new evaluation approaches that
explicitly consider vital interactions between threats, system performance and resulting failure impacts
during both normal and unexpected (exceptional) loading conditions. However, current reliability-based
approaches only focus on prevention of functional (hydraulic) failures resulting from a specified design
storm. In this study, the global resilience analysis (GRA) approach is further extended for evaluation of UDS
performance when subject to a wide range of random functional failure scenarios (extreme rainfall) with
varying magnitude, duration, and spatial distribution. The resulting loss of system functionality during the
simulated failure scenarios is quantified using total flood volume and mean flood duration. System residual
functionality for each considered rainfall block loading scenario is quantified using the functional resilience
index. The developed approach has been successfully applied to test and characterise the functional
resilience to extreme rainfall of an existing UDS in Kampala city, Uganda. The study concluded that: (1) UDS
functional resilience is significantly influenced by both occurrence of short duration, high intensity rainfall
events and spatial rainfall variation during extreme rainfall conditions and (2) future planning and design
of resilience enhancement strategies should apply spatially distributed rainfall inputs to facilitate effective
sizing of potential adaptation strategies.
Global resilience analysis, hydraulic failures, pluvial flooding, spatial rainfall distribution
Seith N. Mugume & David Butler (2016): Evaluation of functional resilience in urban drainage and flood management systems using a global analysis approach, Urban Water Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2016.1253754