Social-Economic Factors, Student Factors, Student Academic Goals and Performance of Students in Institutions of Higher Learning in Uganda
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Africa Education Review
This article evaluates the relationship between social-economic factors, students’ factors,
student academic goals and performance of students. The study adopts a cross-sectional
survey, with largely quantitative approaches. A sample of 950 students was randomly and
proportionately drawn from undergraduates in four institutions of higher learning. A response
rate of 61% was recorded. We observed significant positive relationships between student
factors (except competence in quantitative subjects and grades earned in high school) and
student performance, as well as student learning goals and student academic performance.
We did not observe a significant relationship between socio-economic factors and student
performance at higher institutions. The model was significant, and explained 47% of the
variation in student performance. The study recommends that higher institutions should
place considerable emphasis on inculcating a reading/preparation culture among students,
enforce attendance at lectures and encourage students to set learning goals, if they are to
improve the performance of their students.
Social-economic factors, Student factors, Student academic goals, Student performance
Muhammed Ngoma, Peter Dithan Ntale & Earnest Abaho (2017) Social- Economic Factors, Student Factors, Student Academic Goals and Performance of Students in Institutions of Higher Learning in Uganda, Africa Education Review, 14:2, 106-121,