Parasite control in pigs: Uganda smallholder pig value chain capacity development training manual

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Nakatudde, Patricia
Dione, Michel M.
Roesel, Kristina
Kawuma, Brian
Brandes-van Dorresteijn, Diana
Smith, Jeff
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ILRI Manual
Pork production and consumption have risen rapidly in Uganda over the past decade, driven by population growth, urbanization, increasing incomes, and changing tastes. In 2011, Uganda had the highest per capita consumption of pork in East Africa (3.4 kg/person per year). The number of pigs has increased more than tenfold from less than 200,000 three decades ago to roughly 2.3 million. More than 1 million households in Uganda raise those pigs. The majority of the pigs are kept by women in rural areas, with limited access to technology, services and markets. The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish,2 led by the International Livestock Research Institute, started the Smallholder Pig Value Chain Development Project to improve the livelihoods of smallholder pig producers, particularly women, through increased productivity, reduced risk from disease, and improved market access. A key activity of the project is to enhance the capacity of women and men pig producers, and help them transform subsistence-level pig-keeping into viable, profitable businesses. A companion project, ‘Safe Food, Fair Food’, under the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health,3 is working to improve pork safety and market access. These efforts, in turn, should enhance food security, help preserve natural resources and reduce poverty. Poverty in Uganda currently stands at 37.8% (people living on less than USD 1.25/day). This training modules are targeted to extension workers, veterinarians and para-veterinarians, and policy makers responsible for animal disease surveillance and control and for livestock market development and regulation. Improved knowledge should help provide incentive for decision-makers to help poor pig farmers, and promote the sector.
Nakatudde, P., Dione, MM, Roesel, K., Kawuma, B., Brandes-van Dorresteijn, D., & Smith, J. (2015). Parasite control in pigs: Uganda smallholder pig value chain capacity development training manual. ILRI Manual .