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    Tackling Corruption in Public Procurement: A Case of Local Governments in Uganda
    (International Public Procurement conference, Amsterdam, 2008) Nagitta Oluka, Pross; Ssennoga, Francis
    According to the 2007 annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International, Uganda is ranked as the 11th most corrupt country out of a survey of 179 countries. With only 2.8 CPI score, corruption in Uganda is still a big hindrance to effective resource utilization and efficient service delivery. The research results generated through questionnaires and interviews, confirm that corruption exists in public procurement in Kampala district which influences awarding of contracts. So, despite government effort towards creating a legal and institutional framework required to fight it, corruption in public procurement in Uganda is still pervasive, institutionalised and endemic. Unlike in most existing literature that indicates that corruption is more prevalent at specification stage, in Uganda, it occurs at evaluation stage. We suggest that if corruption is to be reduced in the country, there should be a cultural transformation, political goodwill to fight self aggrandizement and a vigilant civil society to act as whistle blowers whenever a case of corruption is sighted. The PPDA, citizenry, district leaders and Civil Society Organisations need to be vibrant and take responsibility for their own actions and decisions, and behave ethically so as to ensure value for money and to uphold the principles of transparency, fairness, non discrimination efficiency and effectiveness in public procurement.
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    State, Civil Society and Expanding Social and Solidarity Economy among Informal Sector Women in Ethiopia
    (UNRISD Conference on Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy, 2013) Ossome, Lyn
    The paper draws from empirical evidence gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from April-May 2012, during field research to investigate the social and political dynamics of women’s community activism there.1 It examines the ways in which women engaged in informal sector work are being organised under savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs), and through this critique, investigates the potential for expanding social and solidarity economy (SSE) through savings and credit cooperatives. The guiding hypothesis is that the political economy of policy changes in Ethiopia under which the savings and credit cooperatives are being formed delimits the possibility of expanding SSE through this method. Women in Addis Ababa are involved in many forms of informal sector work, most of which offer minimum wage, is dangerous at times, and most importantly, has failed to significantly lift them out of poverty. At the same time, however, women’s organisations in Addis Ababa have shown remarkable initiative with regards to mobilizing women around savings and cooperative schemes aimed at mobilizing women to save and regenerate their own incomes. These schemes enjoy a broad reach, and include women working as coffee sellers, weavers, street vendors, domestic workers, firewood carries, garbage collectors and even street beggars. There are a number of initiatives to empower women especially those that have no education and income, through savings, loans and income generating activities. Many are organized under self-help groups and cooperatives, which not only have economic objectives but also play an important social and cultural role in bringing together women who previously would not work together due to cultural discrimination and stigma around certain work, like garbage collection, which are identified with a lower caste.
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    Partnerships for enhancing regional enforcement of laws against environmental crimes
    "This report is a synthesis of the proceedings of the first stakeholders’ workshop on enforcement of laws against environmental crimes in Eastern Africa.This theme was chosen to reflect one of the key objectives of the Environmental Crime Project(ECP), namely to foster collaborative national, regional and international processes to combat environmental crimes. The Environment Crime Project postulates that in order to effectively enforce laws on environmental crimes in Eastern Africa, there must be collaborative efforts between the countries in the region and between the different organisations responsible for enforcement of environmental crime laws in the individual countries."
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    How to Integrate Statutory and Customary Tenure? The Uganda Case
    (International Institute for Environment and Development., 1999) Mwebaza, Rose
    The last two decades have witnessed extensive land tenure reform in East and Southern Africa, with almost every country in the region having undergone some kind of reform. The reform process has been accompanied by much discussion on the need to integrate customary and statutory land tenure systems in policy and legislation. Indeed, so much has been said that sometimes it is difficult to draw the line between what is real and what is fiction; the essential concepts have become blurred by the divergent and some times controversial interpretations of these two seemingly irreconcilable concepts.
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    Investing in sustainable intensification for smallholders: quantifying large-scale costs and benefits in Uganda
    (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2022-03-18) Luigi, Piemontese; Rick Nelson, Kamugisha; Jennie, Barron; Joy Margaret Biteete, Tukahirwa; Nicole, Harari; Fernando, Jaramillo
    In Uganda, upgrading smallholder agriculture is a necessary step to achieve the interlinked sustainable development goals of hunger eradication, poverty reduction and land degradation neutrality. However, targeting the right restoration practices and estimate their cost-benefit at the national scale is difficult given the highly contextual nature of restoration practices and the diversity of small-scale interventions to be adopted. By analysing the context-specific outcomes of 82 successful case studies on different sustainable land and water management (SLWM) in Uganda, we estimated that out-scaling of existing successful practices to 75% of agricultural land would require a one-time investment of US$ 4.4 billion from smallholders. Our results show that, besides the many social and environmental benefit commonly associated to SLWM, a wide outscale of SLWM could generate US$ 4.7 billion every year, once the practices are fully operational. Our context-specific estimates highlight the profitability of investing in smallholder farming to achieve the sustainable development goals in Uganda, with geographical differences coming from specific social-ecological conditions. This study can guide sustainable intensification development by targeting the most suitable SLWM practices and plan for adequate financial support from government, investors and international development aids to smallholder farming.
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    Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Uganda A brief overview
    (Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2009) Mbazira, Christopher
    Uganda has ratified almost all the major regional and international instruments that protect economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs). However, a reading of the Constitution of Uganda, 1995, and other laws shows that the rights have not been domesticated fully.