A strategy to enhance the capacity of stakeholders in Africa and Europe to jointly implement Agricultural Research for Development (ARD)

The purpose of the PAEPARD II Project (referred to hereafter as “PAEPARD”) is to build more joint African-European multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural research for development, which are more balanced in terms of research and non-research stakeholders, and which contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). PAEPARD is coordinated by FARA. The project is implemented through seven strongly interdependent ‘work packages’ (WPs), each led by a leader and co-leader and jointly coordinated by an African and a European Co-Manager
Stakeholders, Africa, Europe, Agricultural Research for Development (ARD)
Hawkins, R., Kibwika, P., Nampala, P., Madzivhandila, T., Kamau, M., & Hillocks, R. (2011). A strategy to enhance the capacity of stakeholders in Africa and Europe to jointly implement Agricultural Research for Development (ARD).