Assessing the Effects of Water Management Regimes and Rice Residue on Growth and Yield of Rice in Uganda

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American Journal of Experimental Agriculture
This study was conducted to assess the influence of different water and rice straw management practices and rice genotypes on growth and yield of rice in Uganda. Study Design: Field experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block Design while the screen house study design was a Completely Randomized Design. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in the field at National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) Namulonge and in the screen house at Kyambogo University during the period of February-July 2013. Materials and Methods: Ten rice genotypes obtained from the cereals program at NaCRRI Namulonge were grown under different water management regimes, with and without rice straw incorporation both in the field and screen house. Water management regimes used were alternate wetting and drying (AWD), continuous flooding (CF) and continuous drying (CD). Results: A significant variation in grain yield was observed among rice genotypes and under different water management regimes (P<0.001). Use of rice straw influenced rice yield in the screen house (P<0.001) but not in the field (P=0.23); interactions of water management x genotype and water management x rice straw x genotype influenced rice yield in the field (P=0.003) but not in the screen house (P=0.5). Higher yield gain was observed under the water-saving technology alternate wetting and drying compared to continuous flooding or drying. Conclusion: This study has indicated significant variations in field performance of rice under different water management regimes and rice straw usage. These findings are therefore important because they suggest that efficient management of water resources and rice residues from rice fields coupled with the use of drought tolerant rice varieties could be an effective integrated approach to improve rice yield and an adaptation strategy to the observed climate variability.
Alternate wetting and drying, Continuous drying, Continuous flooding, Rice straw
Awio, T., Bua, B., & Karungi, J. (2015). Assessing the effects of water management regimes and rice residue on growth and yield of rice in Uganda. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture , 7 (2). DOI: 10.9734/AJEA/2015/15631 Editor(s):