The National Research Repository of Uganda - NRU

Welcome to the National Research Repository of Uganda, abbreviated as "NRU". NRU was established in 2021. NRU is a collection of scholarly output by researchers from the UNCST Community, including scholarly articles and books, electronic theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, journals, technical reports and digitised library collections. It is the official Institutional Archive (IA) of UNCST.

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For information about the publishers' copyright policy on archiving your articles online or in an institutional archive, visit the Sherpa Site at The site gives a summary of the permissions normally given as part of each publisher's copyright transfer agreement. If you wish to publish your research findings in the NRU, please contact NRU administrator at for details. NRU operates both open access and closed access models. Access to fulltext has been restricted in adherence to the UNCST Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Copyrights policies.

Other Useful Resources:

Africa Portal is an online repository of open access library collection with over 3,000 books, journals, and digital documents on African policy issues. This is an initiative by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Makerere University (MAK), and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA). Please visit the Africa Portal at


Communities in NRU

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Now showing 1 - 5 of 9
  • This community contains Open Access Books and Book Abstracts
  • This community contains Ugandan Conference proceedings
  • This community contains consolidated Ugandan Institutional Annual Research Reports on a broad range of subjects
  • This community contains approved and running institutional repository policies from different research institutions
  • This community contains Open access peer reviewed publications about Uganda and from Ugandan Researchers. The community has been classified to thematic research sub communities of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.

Recent Submissions

Invisible impacts and lost opportunities: evidence of the global recession in developing countries
(Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 2010-10-01) Naomi, Hossain; Fillaili, Rizki; Lubaale, Grace
The global economic recession hit developing country economies less hard than initially expected but, despite positive macroeconomic indicators, there are few reasons to feel optimistic about the impacts on poverty and wellbeing. Based on original research, this article outlines three reasons to believe that the impacts are likely to have been severe for those in poverty. First, the global recession was compounded by the protracted food and fuel price crisis; second, there are early indications of a trend towards increased labour flexibilisation in developing countries; and third, there has been a failure to turn the crisis into an opportunity by extending and improving social protection regimes.
Use of peers, community lay persons and Village Health Team (VHT) members improves six-week postnatal clinic (PNC) follow-up and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis (EID) in urban and rural health units in Uganda: A one-year implementation study
(BMC health services research, 2015-11-18) Namukwaya, Zikulah; Barlow-Mosha, Linda; Mudiope, Peter; Matovu, Joyce Namale; Etima, Juliane; Musoke, Philippa Martha
Effective Prevention of Mother to child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) relies heavily on follow-up of HIV-infected women and infants from antenatal, through postnatal, to the end of the breastfeeding period. In Uganda, postnatal (PNC) follow-up remains below 50 % creating a missed opportunity for linkage to comprehensive HIV care and early infant diagnosis (EID). We evaluated the use of HIV infected peer mothers (peers), community lay persons and Village health team (VHT) members to improve PNC follow up and EID in urban and rural health units.
Once-daily dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy in infants and children living with HIV from age 4 weeks: results from the below 14 kg cohort in the randomised ODYSSEY trial
(The Lancet HIV, 2022-09-17) Amuge, Pauline; Lugemwa, Abbas; Mujuru, Hilda A.; Kityo, Cissy M.; Atwine, Lorna; Ford, Deborah
Young children living with HIV have few treatment options. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) in children weighing between 3 kg and less than 14 kg.
Dolutegravir twice-daily dosing in children with HIV-associated tuberculosis: a pharmacokinetic and safety study within the open-label, multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority ODYSSEY trial
(The Lancet HIV, 2022-07-19) Turkova, Anna; Bwakura-Dangarembizi, Mutsa F.; Kekitiinwa, Adeodata R.; Lugemwa, Abbas; Ahimbisibwe, Grace Miriam; Burger, David M.
Children with HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB) have few antiretroviral therapy (ART) options. We aimed to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of dolutegravir twice-daily dosing in children receiving rifampicin for HIV-associated TB.
Patients experiences of self-management and strategies for dealing with chronic conditions in rural Malawi
(PloS one, 2018-07-02) Angwenyi, Vibian; Kajumi, Murphy; Man, Jeroen De; Bunders-Aelen, Joske
The high burden of chronic communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and an escalating rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Malawi and other sub-Saharan African countries, calls for a shift in how health care services are designed and delivered. Patient-centred care and patient self-management are critical elements in chronic care, and are advocated as universal strategies. In sub-Saharan Africa, there is need for more evidence around the practice of patient self-management, and how to best support patients with chronic conditions in the African context. Our study explored self-management practices of patients with different chronic conditions, and their strategies to overcome care challenges in a resource-constrained setting in Malawi. This is primarily a qualitative study, involving patients with different chronic conditions from one rural district in Malawi. Data are drawn from semi-structured questions of a survey with 129 patients (from the third of four-part data collection series), 14 in-depth interviews, and four focus-group discussions with patients (n = 31 respondents). A framework approach was used for qualitative analysis, and descriptive statistical analysis was performed on survey data. Patients demonstrated ability to self-manage their conditions, though this varied between conditions, and was influenced by individual and external factors. Factors included: 1) ability to acquire appropriate disease knowledge; 2) poverty level; 3) the presence of support from family caregivers and community-based support initiatives; 4) the nature of one’s social relations; and 5) the ability to deal with stressors and stigma. NCD and HIV comorbid patients were more disadvantaged in their access to care, as they experienced frequent drug stock-outs and incurred additional costs when referred. These barriers contributed to delayed care, poorer treatment adherence, and likelihood of poorer treatment outcomes. Patients proved resourceful and made adjustments in the face of (multiple) care challenges. Our findings complement other research on self-management experiences in chronically ill patients with its analysis on factors and barriers that influence patient self-management capacity in a resource-constrained setting. We recommend expanding current peer-patient and support group initiatives to patients with NCDs, and further investments in the decentralisation of integrated health services to primary care level in Malawi.