The National Research Repository of Uganda - NRU

Welcome to the National Research Repository of Uganda, abbreviated as "NRU". NRU was established in 2021. NRU is a collection of scholarly output by researchers from the UNCST Community, including scholarly articles and books, electronic theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, journals, technical reports and digitised library collections. It is the official Institutional Archive (IA) of UNCST.

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Africa Portal is an online repository of open access library collection with over 3,000 books, journals, and digital documents on African policy issues. This is an initiative by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Makerere University (MAK), and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA). Please visit the Africa Portal at


Communities in NRU

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  • This community contains Books and Book Abstracts
  • This community contains Ugandan Conference proceedings
  • This community contains consolidated Ugandan Institutional Annual Research Reports on a broad range of subjects
  • This community contains approved and running institutional repository policies from different research institutions
  • This community contains peer reviewed publications about Uganda and from Ugandan Researchers. The community has been classified to thematic research sub communities of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.

Recent Submissions

Perspectives on the integration of agri-entrepreneurship in tertiary agricultural education in Africa: insights from the AgriENGAGE project
(Frontiers Media S.A, 2024-05) Chirinda, Ngonidzashe; Abdulkader, Bisan; Hjortsø, Carsten Nico; Aitelkadi, Kenza; Salako, Kolawolé Valère; Taarji, Noamane; Mhada, Manal; Lamdaghri, Zidane; Romanova, Gergana; Assogbadjo, Achille Ephrem; Chadare, Flora Josiane; Saidi, Mwanarusi; Sassi, Maria; Mugonola, Basil; Gogo, Elisha Otieno; Ssekandi, Joseph; Okalany, Emmanuel; Egeru, Anthony; Mshenga, Patience; Mlongo; Chfadi, Tarik
The underperformance of agricultural education systems in Africa is evident through various indicators such as increased unemployment among recent agricultural graduates, inefficiencies in agricultural product value chains, and a decline in enrollment in agricultural schools. The AgriENGAGE project, which included eight African universities, was supported through the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education program funded by the European Commission to address these challenges. The project aimed to contribute toward revitalizing agricultural education systems to stimulate agricultural transformation and enhance the sector’s competitiveness while meeting the labor market’s demands. This article draws on lessons learned at eight universities to provide a perspective on agri-entrepreneurship education integration in African universities. We provide descriptions, experiences, and insights on agri-entrepreneurship education integration in partner universities in Kenya, Benin, Morocco, and Uganda. Based on these experiences, we provide perspectives on reducing youth unemployment and improving the effectiveness of agricultural education in contributing to the development of sustainable food systems.
(Oxford University Press, 2022-02) Bassi, Vittorio; Nansamba, Aisha
We study how employers and job seekers respond to credible information on skills that are difficult to observe, and how this affects matching in the labour market. We experimentally vary whether certificates on workers’ non-cognitive skills are disclosed to both sides of the market during job interviews between young workers and small firms in Uganda. The certificates cause workers to increase their labour market expectations, while high-ability managers revise their assessments of the workers’ skills upwards. The reaction in terms of beliefs leads to an increase in positive assortative matching and to higher earnings for workers, conditional on employment.
Determinants of change in the inequality and associated predictors of teenage pregnancy in Uganda for the period 2006– 2016: analysis of the Uganda Demographic and Health Surveys
(British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2021-11) Wasswa, Ronald; Kabagenyi, Allen; Kananura, Rornald Muhumuza; Jehopio, Joseph; Rutaremwa, Gideon
Objective Teenage pregnancy has become a public health concern in Uganda because of its negative consequences to both the mother and child. The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of change in the inequality and associated predictors of teenage pregnancy in Uganda for the period 2006–2016.Study design A retrospective national cross-sectional study.Setting Uganda.Participants Uganda Demographic and Health Survey secondary data of only female teenagers aged 15–19 years. The samples selected for analyses were 1936 in 2006; 2048 in 2011 and 4264 in 2016.Outcome measure The primary outcome was teenage pregnancy. Analysis was performed using the logistic regression, equiplots, concentration curve, normalised concentration index, decomposition of the concentration index and Oaxaca-type decomposition.Results The prevalence of teenage pregnancy has seemingly remained high and almost constant from 2006 to 2016 with the risk worsening to the disadvantage of the poor. Household wealth-index, teenagers’ years of education, early sexual debut and child marriage were the main key predictors and contributors of the large inequality in teenage pregnancy from 2006 to 2016.Conclusion Teenage pregnancy is disproportionately prevalent among different subpopulations of adolescent girls in Uganda. We therefore recommend policy actions to sensitise communities and enforcement of child rights and child protection laws to stop child marriages. There is also need to promote girl child education, improving household incomes, and intensifying mass media awareness on the risks of early pregnancies. Further, ensuring that villages have operational adolescent and youth friendly services as well as incorporating sex education and other different adolescent reproductive health programmes in school curriculum will be key measures in reducing the large inequality in teenage pregnancy.
Implementing Smartphone-Based Telemedicine for Cervical Cancer Screening in Uganda: Qualitative Study of Stakeholders’ Perceptions
(Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023-10) Kabukye, Johnblack K; Namugga, Jane; Mpamani, Collins Jackson; Katumba, Andrew; Nakatumba-Nabende Joyce; Nabuuma, Hanifa; Musoke, Stephen Senkomago; Nankya, Esther; Soomre, Edna; Nakisige, Carolyn; Orem, Jackson
Background In Uganda, cervical cancer (CaCx) is the commonest cancer, accounting for 35.7% of all cancer cases in women. The rates of human papillomavirus vaccination and CaCx screening remain low. Digital health tools and interventions have the potential to improve different aspects of CaCx screening and control in Uganda. Objective This study aimed to describe stakeholders’ perceptions of the telemedicine system we developed to improve CaCx screening in Uganda. Methods We developed and implemented a smartphone-based telemedicine system for capturing and sharing cervical images and other clinical data, as well as an artificial intelligence model for automatic analysis of images. We conducted focus group discussions with health workers at the screening clinics (n=27) and women undergoing screening (n=15) to explore their perceptions of the system. The focus group discussions were supplemented with field observations and an evaluation survey of the health workers on system usability and the overall project. Results In general, both patients and health workers had positive opinions about the system. Highlighted benefits included better cervical visualization, the ability to obtain a second opinion, improved communication between nurses and patients (to explain screening findings), improved clinical data management, performance monitoring and feedback, and modernization of screening service. However, there were also some negative perceptions. For example, some health workers felt the system is time-consuming, especially when it had just been introduced, while some patients were apprehensive about cervical image capture and sharing. Finally, commonplace challenges in digital health (eg, lack of interoperability and problems with sustainability) and challenges in cancer screening in general (eg, arduous referrals, inadequate monitoring and quality control) also resurfaced. Conclusions This study demonstrates the feasibility and value of digital health tools in CaCx screening in Uganda, particularly with regard to improving patient experience and the quality of screening services. It also provides examples of potential limitations that must be addressed for successful implementation. CrossRef
Evolution of Partial Resistance to Artemisinins in Malaria Parasites in Uganda
(Massachusetts Medical Society, 2024-08) Conrad, Melissa D.; Asua, Victor; Garg, Shreeya; Giesbrecht, David; Niaré, Karamoko; Smith, Sawyer; Namuganga, Jane F; Katairo, Thomas; Legac, Jennifer; Crudale, Rebecca M; Tumwebaze, Patrick K; Nsobya, Samuel L.; Cooper, Roland A; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Bailey; Jeffrey A.; Rosenthal, Philip J.
Partial resistance of to the artemisinin component of artemisinin-based combination therapies, the most important malaria drugs, emerged in Southeast Asia and now threatens East Africa. Partial resistance, which manifests as delayed clearance after therapy, is mediated principally by mutations in the kelch protein K13 (PfK13). Limited longitudinal data are available on the emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance in Africa. We performed annual surveillance among patients who presented with uncomplicated malaria at 10 to 16 sites across Uganda from 2016 through 2022. We sequenced the gene encoding kelch 13 ( ) and analyzed relatedness using molecular methods. We assessed malaria metrics longitudinally in eight Ugandan districts from 2014 through 2021. By 2021-2022, the prevalence of parasites with validated or candidate resistance markers reached more than 20% in 11 of the 16 districts where surveillance was conducted. The PfK13 469Y and 675V mutations were seen in far northern Uganda in 2016-2017 and increased and spread thereafter, reaching a combined prevalence of 10 to 54% across much of northern Uganda, with spread to other regions. The 469F mutation reached a prevalence of 38 to 40% in one district in southwestern Uganda in 2021-2022. The 561H mutation, previously described in Rwanda, was first seen in southwestern Uganda in 2021, reaching a prevalence of 23% by 2022. The 441L mutation reached a prevalence of 12 to 23% in three districts in western Uganda in 2022. Genetic analysis indicated local emergence of mutant parasites independent of those in Southeast Asia. The emergence of resistance was observed predominantly in areas where effective malaria control had been discontinued or transmission was unstable. Data from Uganda showed the emergence of partial resistance to artemisinins in multiple geographic locations, with increasing prevalence and regional spread over time. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health.).