Differences in Adverse Events Related to Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision Between Civilian and Military Health Facilities in Uganda

Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) significantly reduces the risk of acquiring HIV in men. Despite the percentage of circumcised men (15-49 years) in Uganda increasing over time, some populations are not taking up the surgical procedure. The government of Uganda and implementing partners have responded to this lack of VMMC coverage among key populations by intensifying introducing innovative strategies that increase demand particularly among military personnel using the WHO’s MOVE strategy. As a surgical intervention, it is critical that VMMC services are safe for clients and that adverse events or complications are minimized. This paper describes the prevalence and trends of adverse events reported among military mobile camps in comparison to civilian sites in Uganda. Methods: A prospective study conducted in eighteen (18) public health facilities between March and August 2019. Of these nine (9) were providing care to civilian populations while nine (9) served the military population and catchment areas. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and trends analysis were carried out to describe profile of advance events among civilian and military facilities over the study period. Results: The highest proportions of VMMC were done among persons aged 15 to 19 years whereas among military camps the highest proportions of circumcision among males aged 20 to 24 years. Regarding site of circumcision, the highest proportions of VMMC were done at outreaches, with higher levels in military camps compared to civilian camps. For the proportions of adverse events reported, higher proportions were reported in civilian camps compared to military camps (Total – 1.3% vs 0.2%; p- value<0.05). For trends analysis, results indicate that there was no statistically significant trend for both civilian and military number of adverse events reported for the four quarters in 2020 (P-value =0.315 for civilian and P=0.094 for the military). Conclusions: The MOVE model is great for scaling up VMMC 48 in specialized populations such as military. Can also be adapted in other populations if contextual bottlenecks are identified and collectively addressed by key stakeholders – leadership, community engagement and using a largely horizontal approach offer promising possibilities and outcomes.
Voluntary Male Circumcision, Military camps, Civilian, Adverse events
Obangaber, L. O., Seruwagi, G., Nabaggala, M. S., Lugada, E., Bwayo, D., Nyanzi, A., ... & Kiragga, A. (2021). Differences in Adverse Events Related to Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision Between Civilian and Military Health Facilities in Uganda. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-536381/v1