Partograph initiation and completion: a criteria-based audit study in Uganda
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African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health
Although it is a cost effective tool in labour management, the partograph is not always used appropriately. The aim of this audit was to assess the initiation and completion of the partograph for women in labour at Mulago Hospital.
A criteria-based audit was conducted, using patients’ files and delivery records from February to May 2016. A checklist was used to gather data and descriptive statistics computed.
Of 7170 files, 256 (3.57%) had the partograph initiated. The recording of maternal wellbeing was low. For example, pulse was recorded in 20% of cases and blood pressure in 35%. Recording of vaginal examination results was 90% on admission but reduced to 57% in the first stage of labour. Similarly, recording of fetal heart rate in the first stage of labour was 62%.
Partograph initiation was unacceptably low. Maternal well-being documentation was generally low compared to the set standard. There is need to strengthen the use of a partograph to improve care during labour
Namwaya, Z., Birungi, S., Namutebi, E., Ayebare, E., Namutebi, M., Muwanguzi, S., ... & Smyth, R. (2017). Partograph initiation and completion: a criteria-based audit study in Uganda. African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, 11(2), 72-76.