Intervention To Stop Transmission of Imported Pneumonic Plague — Uganda, 2019

A plague is an acute zoonosis that occurs on several continents and can manifest in different clinical forms. Pneumonic plague is highly fatal and directly transmissible from person to person via infectious respiratory droplets. Importation of pneumonic plague from the Democratic Republic of the Congo into an area of Uganda with effective public health response capabilities resulted in prompt action to halt transmission. Despite multiple high-risk exposures, only a single transmission event occurred. Building expertise in areas of plague endemicity can provide the rapid detection and response needed to mitigate the epidemic spread and minimize mortality. Cross-border agreements can improve ability to respond effectively
Pneumonic Plague, Interventions
Apangu, T., Acayo, S., Atiku, L. A., Apio, H., Candini, G., Okoth, F., ... & Kugeler, K. J. (2020). Intervention To Stop Transmission of Imported Pneumonic Plague—Uganda, 2019. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(9), 241. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6909a5