Urinary Bladder Rupture in an 18-Day-Old Boy Following Circumcision at a Health Centre in Uganda

An 18-day-old boy with a recent history of circumcision presented with abdominal swelling and inability to pass urine. Physical examination revealed abdominal distension with a firm penile dressing. The diagnosis of peritonitis was made, and urinary bladder rupture with ascites was found at laparotomy. He had a smooth postoperative recovery and was discharged on the seventh postoperative day. At follow up one month post-surgery, he is well with good bladder function and no evidence of a urethral stricture. Urinary bladder rupture is an extremely rare complication of circumcision, in this case possibly due to an occlusive dressing. Early identification is key to good prognosis of such patients
circumcision, paediatric surgery, neonatal surgery, urinary bladder, rupture, Uganda
Okello, I., Kisa, P., Kakembo, N., Ozgediz, D., & Sekabira, J. (2020). Urinary bladder rupture in an 18-day-old boy following circumcision at a health centre in Uganda. East and Central African Journal of Surgery, 25(1), 31-32.https://doi.org/10.4314/ecajs.v25i1.6