Rice Blast Prevalence in Smallholder Rice Farmlands in Uganda
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Journal of Agricultural Science
the role of the smallholder farming system in shaping the prevalence of the disease in the country is not known.
In 2015B and 2016A, we surveyed smallholder rice farmlands in 27 districts of Uganda and recorded blast
incidence, severity, and symptoms expression. Infected rice samples taken from the infected plants were
sub-cultured on PDA media to confirm the pathogen and obtain isolates for the establishment of a core collection
for breeding work. Rice blast prevalence in the districts varied from 50-100% and the national average stood at
72.61%, higher than that recorded five years ago. Mean incidence and severity varied significantly (< 0.001)
with the highest incidence (96.8%) recorded in Luwero district and the least (21.3%) was recorded in the Amuru
district. However, the eastern region recorded the highest average incidence (74.5%) followed by the central, the
northern, and Mid-western regions. In the rice ecologies, the highest blast incidence was recorded in the rain-fed
lowland rice (72.18%) followed by irrigated lowland (59.53%) and rain-fed upland rice (47.27%). This is the
first report on the prevalence of blast in smallholder rice farmlands in Uganda and showed a higher prevalence of
the disease.
Incidence, Rice blast, Rice farmlands, Severity, Symptom expression
Amayo, R., Oparok, T., Lamo, J., Drissa, S., Edema, R., Tusiime, G., & Headquarters, A. R. (2020). Rice Blast Prevalence in Smallholder Rice Farmlands in Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Science, 12(10). https://doi.org/10.5539/jas.v12n10p105