When women deliver at home with no one present: Are health care systems in Uganda driving women away?

Uganda’s maternal mortality remains unacceptably high, with thousands of women and newborns still dying of preventable deaths from pregnancy and childbirth-related complications. Despite the fact that over 95% of women in Uganda attend at least one antenatal care (ANC) visit, over 30% of women still deliver at home with no skilled birth attendant, many choosing to come to hospital after experiencing a complication. We explored barriers to women’s decisions to deliver in a health care facility among postpartum women in rural southwestern Uganda, to ultimately inform interventions aimed at improving skilled facility births.
Health care systems, Uganda, Women
Atukunda, E. C., Mugyenyi, G. R., Obua, C., Najjuma, J., Aturinda, I., Agaba, E., ... & Matthews, L. T. (2019). When women deliver at home with no one present: Are health care systems in Uganda driving women away?. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.16249/v1