Faecal analysis of Nahan’s Francolin Francolinus nahani, Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda
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African Journal of Ecology
Nahan’s Francolin Francolinus nahani is an endangered,
shy tropical forest bird species (Urban, Keith & Fry,
1986; Bennun, Dranzoa & Pomeroy, 1996; Plumptre,
1996; BirdLife International, 2000). Therefore, it is difficult
to follow and observe their foods and feeding in
their natural environment. Records show that they eat
insects, small mollusks, green shoots, seeds and bulbs
(Urban et al. 1986, Fuller, Carroll & McGowan, 2000).
The faecal analysis method for determining the principal
foods eaten by birds is good because neither the adults
nor the chicks are affected or harmed (Moreby, 1988).
However, limited information is available on identifying
the arthropod components (Green, 1984; Moreby, 1988,
1993). Our goal was to understand the constituents of
the food eaten by Nahan’s Francolin.
Faecal analysis, Nahan’s Francolin Francolinus nahani, Budongo Forest Reserve
Sande, E., Moreby, S., Dranzoa, C., & Wegge, P. (2007). Faecal analysis of Nahan's Francolin Francolinus nahani, Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology, 45(1), 105-108.