Quinine, an old anti-malarial drug in a Modern world: role in the treatment of Malaria

Quinine remains an important anti-malarial drug almost 400 years after its effectiveness was first documented.However, itscontinued use is challenged by its poor tolerability, poor compliance with complex dosing regimens,and the availability of more efficacious anti-malarial drugs. This article reviews the historical role of quinine,considers its current usage and provides insight into its appropriate future use in the treatment of malaria. In lightof recent research findings intravenous artesunate should be thefirst-line drug for severe malaria, with quinine asan alternative. The role of rectal quinine as pre-referral treatment for severe malaria has not been fully explored,but it remains a promising intervention. In pregnancy, quinine continues to play a critical role in the managementof malaria, especially in the first trimester, and it will remain a mainstay of treatment until safer alternatives becomeavailable. For uncomplicated malaria, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) offers a better option thanquinine though the difficulty of maintaining a steady supply of ACT in resource-limited settings renders the rapidwithdrawal of quinine for uncomplicated malaria cases risky. The best approach would be to identify solutions toACT stock-outs, maintain quinine in case ofACT stock-outs, and evaluate strategies for improving quininetreatment outcomes by combining it with antibiotics. In HIV andTB infected populations, concerns about potentialinteractions between quinine and antiretroviral and antituberculosis drugs exist, andthese will need furtherresearch and pharmacovigilance.
Quinine, Anti-malarial drug, Treatment
Achan, J., Talisuna, A. O., Erhart, A., Yeka, A., Tibenderana, J. K., Baliraine, F. N., ... & D'Alessandro, U. (2011). Quinine, an old anti-malarial drug in a modern world: role in the treatment of malaria. Malaria journal, 10(1), 1-12.doi:10.1186/1475-2875-10-144