Intervention To Stop Transmission of Imported Pneumonic Plague — Uganda, 2019

Plague, an acute zoonosis caused by Yersinia pestis, isendemic in the West Nile region of northwestern Uganda andneighboring northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) (1–4). The illness manifests in multiple clinical forms,including bubonic and pneumonic plague. Pneumonic plagueis rare, rapidly fatal, and transmissible from person to person via respiratory droplets. On March 4, 2019, a patient withsuspected pneumonic plague was hospitalized in West Nile,Uganda, 4 days after caring for her sister, who had come toUganda from DRC and died shortly thereafter, and 2 daysafter area officials received a message from a clinic in DRCwarning of possible plague. The West Nile-based Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) plague program, together withlocal health officials, commenced a multipronged responseto suspected person-to-person transmission of pneumonicplague, including contact tracing, prophylaxis, and education.Plague was laboratoryconfirmed, and no additionaltransmission occurred in Uganda. This event transpired inthe context of heightened awareness of cross-border disease spread caused by ongoing Ebola virus disease transmission in DRC, approximately 400 km to the south. Building expertise in areas of plague endemicity can provide the rapid detection and effective response needed to mitigate epidemic spread and minimize mortality. Cross-border agreements can improve ability to respond effectively.
Apangu, T., Acayo, S., Atiku, L. A., Apio, H., Candini, G., Okoth, F., ... & Kugeler, K. J. (2020). Intervention To Stop Transmission of Imported Pneumonic Plague—Uganda, 2019. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(9), 241.