Treatment of COVID-19 with Herbal Medicines: Perceptions, Attitudes and Practices of Healthcare Professionals Students in Uganda

Use of herbal medicine (HM) for the treatment and prevention of the coronavirus disease -2019 (COVID19) has been reported worldwide. In this study, we aimed to assess the perceptions, attitude and practices of healthcare professionals (HP) students in Uganda concerning HM use in the management of COVID-19 illness
Herbal medicine, COVID-19, Treatment, Healthcare, Students
Kiyimba, B., Kanyike, A. M., Ssewante, N., Nalunkuma, R., Musoke, P., Atulinda, L., ... & Bongomin, F. (2021). Treatment of COVID-19 with Herbal Medicines: Perceptions, Attitudes and Practices of Healthcare Professionals Students in Uganda.