Registration of ‘NAROSORG1 and NAROSORG3’ Sorghum Varieties with High Grain Yield and Superior Grain Qualities from Uganda
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International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is the third most important cereals after maize and rice in Uganda. It is
mainly grown by the resource-poor rural farmers in Uganda as a staple food, but this trend has changed recently due to the
gradual transition of the crop from traditional food crops to a cash crop. National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute
(NaSARRI) therefore developed and released NAROSORG1 and NAROSORG3 in 2017 with high yields and superior grain
qualities for food and commercial beer production in the country. NAROSORG1 and NAROSORG3 are a selection from the
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) advanced breeding lines ICSR160 and
IESV92043DL respectively. Sorghum line, IESV92043DL (NAROSORG3) was bred by ICRISAT Nairobi from a cross
between KARI Mtama 1 x Seredo and developed into an open-pollinated pure line variety through pedigree selection. However,
the sorghum line, ICSR160 (NAROSORG1) was introduced as a Restorer or Male Parent (R-Line) for hybrid development
from ICRISAT India but adapted well as a variety with very good brewing qualities for lager beer (no tannin and high extracts)
production and its white-seeded variety. Performance evaluation was conducted in Uganda for two consecutive seasons of
2017 and the results showed that NAROSORG1 and NAROSORG3 had significantly higher grain yields (13.8% and 12.2%)
and 1000-seed weight percentages (30.2% and 28.9%) respectively than commercial check variety, SESO1. NAROSORG1 has
a good grain quality with 100% free tannin levels which is good for commercial lager beer production while NAROSORG3
had sweet juicy stalk with stay-green trait suitable for forage production in addition to good grain quality.
Variety Registration, NAROSORG1, NAROSORG3, Evaluation, Grain Quality
Charles Andiku, Geofrey Lubadde, Charles John Aru, John Emanio, Michael Adrogu Ugen, Johnie Ebiyau. Registration of ‘NAROSORG1 and NAROSORG3’ Sorghum Varieties with High Grain Yield and Superior Grain Qualities from Uganda. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 4, 2020, pp. 84-88. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20200604.16