Access to HIV prevention services in East African cross-border areas: a 2016-2017 cross-sectional bio-behavioural study

East African cross-border areas are visited by mobile and vulnerable populations, such as men, female sex workers, men who have sex with men, truck drivers, fisher folks and young women. These groups may not benefit from traditional HIV prevention interventions available at the health facilities where they live, but may benefit from services offered at public venues identified as places where people meet new sexual partners (e.g. bars, nightclubs, transportation hubs and guest houses). The goal of this analysis was to estimate availability, access and uptake of prevention services by populations who visit these venues. Methods: We collected cross-sectional data using the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts sampling method at cross-border locations near or along the land and lake borders of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda from June 2016–February 2017. This bio-behavioural survey captured information from a probability sample of 11,428 individuals at 833 venues across all areas. Data were weighted using survey sampling weights and analysed using methods to account for the complex sampling design.
HIV, Africa, Eastern, border crossing, condoms, female, vulnerable populations
Virkud, A. V., Arimi, P., Ssengooba, F., Mulholland, G. E., Herce, M. E., Markiewicz, M., ... & Edwards, J. K. (2020). Access to HIV prevention services in East African cross‐border areas: a 2016‐2017 cross‐sectional bio‐behavioural study. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23, e25523.