Feasibility of Virtual Reality based Training for Optimizing COVID-19 Case Handling in Uganda

Epidemics and pandemics are causing high morbidity and mortality on a still-evolving scale exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection prevention and control (IPC) training for frontline health workers is thus essential. However, classroom or hospital ward based training portends an infection risk due to the in-person interaction of participants. We explored the use of Virtual Reality (VR) simulations for frontline health worker training since it trains participants without exposing them to infections that would arise from in-person training. It does away with the requirement for expensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that has been in acute shortage and improves learning, retention and recall. This represents the first attempt in deploying VR-based pedagogy in a Ugandan medical education context.
Virtual Reality, COVID-19, Personal Protective Equipment, Medical Education, Pandemics
Buyego, P., Katwesigye, E., Kebirungi, G., Nsubuga, M., Nakyejwe, S., Cruz, P., ... & Jjingo, D. (2021). Feasibility of Virtual Reality based Training for Optimising COVID-19 Case Handling in Uganda. Research square, rs-3. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-882147/v1