Structure of the Cooking Banana Value Chain in Uganda and Opportunities for Value Addition and Postharvest Losses Reduction

Cooking banana is the main staple crop in Uganda produced mostly by smallholders for food and income. However, actors along the cooking banana value chain in Uganda face risks high postharvest (PH) losses due to short green life of bananas and damage arising from poor postharvest handling, leading to high physical and economic losses. To understand and quantify the extent of the losses and other overarching issues along the value chain (VC), a detailed market study was conducted based on five specific objectives, including: (1) identify and describe the key players in the banana value chain; (2) establish the current demand and future growth prospects of the different banana presentation forms; (3) establish the level of sorting and grading in the banana value chain; (4) establish the level of use of the weight-based pricing system along the VC and the actor’s willingness to pay for its introduction; and (5) determine the extent and causes of postharvest losses along the banana value chain.
Postharvest Losses Reduction, Cooking Banana Value Chain, Opportunities
Nalunga, A., Kikulwe, E., Nowakunda, K., Ajambo, S., & Naziri, D. (2015). Structure of the cooking banana value chain in Uganda and opportunities for value addition and postharvest losses reduction. RTB‐Endure technical report http.