Local Government Councils’ Performance and Public Service Delivery in Uganda Buliisa District Council Score-Card Report 2012/2013

The main objective of this report is to provide information and analysis based on the assessment conducted during Financial Year (FY) 2012/13. The assessment reviewed documents on planning and budgeting, service delivery monitoring; and Buliisa District Local Government performance reports. In addition, a review of minutes of sectoral committees and council sittings was undertaken to inform the report about the performance of the business of Council, the Chairperson and individual Councilors. Face-to-face interviews with the targeted community leaders, key informant interviews at service delivery points, and focus group discussions (FGDs) further enriched the fact-finding and assessment process. Buliisa District was found to be heavily dependent on central government transfers that account for over 92.4% of district revenue. Locally-generated revenue and donor contributions were projected to be 6.3% and 1.3% respectively.
Score-Card Report, Public Service Delivery, Local Government Councils' Performance
Muyomba-Tamale, L., Asiku, M., Kajura, R., & Tinkasimire, R. (2014). Local government councils' performance and public service delivery in Uganda: Buliisa District Council score-card report 2012/2013.