Repeat HIV testing of individuals with discrepant HIV self‑test results in Central Uganda

According to the user instructions from the manufacturer of OraQuick HIV self-test (HIVST) kits, individuals whose kits show one red band should be considered to be HIV-negative, no matter how weak the band is. However, recent reports show potential for a second false weak band after storage, thereby creating confusion in the interpretation of results. In this study, we re-tested individuals whose results were initially non-reactive but changed to weak reactive results to determine their true HIV status. Methods: This study was nested within a large, cluster-randomized HIVST trial implemented among pregnant women attending antenatal care and their male partners in central Uganda between July 2016 and February 2017. Ninety-five initially HIV-negative respondents were enrolled into this study, including 52 whose kits developed a second weak band while in storage and 43 whose kits were interpreted as HIV-positive by interviewers at the next followup interview. Respondents were invited to return for repeat HIVST which was performed under the observation of a trained nurse counsellor. After HIVST, respondents underwent blood-based rapid HIV testing as per the national HIV testing algorithm (Determine (Abbot Laboratories), STAT-PAK (Chembio Diagnostic Systems Inc.) and Unigold (Trinity Biotech plc.) and dry blood spots were obtained for DNA/PCR testing. DNA/PCR was considered as the gold-standard HIV testing method. Results: After repeat HIVST, 90 (94.7%) tested HIV-negative; 2 (2.1%) tested HIV-positive; and 3 (3.2%) had missing HIV test results. When respondents were subjected to blood-based rapid HIV testing, 97.9% (93/95) tested HIV-negative while 2.1% (2/95) tested HIV-positive. Finally, when the respondents were subjected to DNA/PCR, 99% (94/95) tested HIV-negative while 1.1% (1/95) tested HIV-positive.
HIV self-testing, Weak band, Confirmatory HIV testing, Uganda
Kisa, R., Matovu, J. K., Buregyeya, E., Musoke, W., Vrana-Diaz, C. J., Korte, J. E., & Wanyenze, R. K. (2019). Repeat HIV testing of individuals with discrepant HIV self-test results in Central Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 16(1), 1-7.