The potential of open data to impact resource allocation for poverty eradication in Kenya and Uganda

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Development Initiatives Africa Hub
Between January 2013 and May 2014, Development Initiatives and Development Research and Training were part of the Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC) study, a multi case study initiative funded by the WWF and IDRC that sought to ascertain the impact Open Data is having in transforming developing countries. The Uganda/Kenya case study investigated Impact of Open Data on resource allocation for poverty eradication in Uganda and Kenya. This case study was premised on the experiences of countries that have been involved in Open Data since the beginning. Open data has its roots in the Open Government Partnership founded in 2009 and launched in 2011, initially with a membership of eight countries1 but which has since grown to 63 (In East Africa, Kenya and Tanzania are members but Uganda has not yet signed up2 despite increasing calls to do so3). Its aim is providing an international platform for domestic reformers committed to making their governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens. There has been increasing enthusiasm by governments since then to publish data online. Many members have since established national data webportals and made avail huge amounts of data that were previously not in the public domain. The impact of this on resource allocation and the broader transparency agenda has been significant. It has created more upward information flow, local, national and international pressures and bottom-­‐up citizen and political pressures4 on governments to be more open.