Physiochemical and nutritional characterization of Vitex payos (Lour.) Merr. (Verbenaceae): An indigenous fruit tree of Eastern Africa

In the dry areas, indigenous fruits become important staples when cereals harvested are inadequate to support populations. Farmers in these areas have identified many of the handicaps in domestication but there is still need for inputs from the food industry into identification of the desirable traits and characteristics of potentially novel food. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutrient content of one edible wild fruit, Vitex payos that has been identified as a top priority species among the inhabitants of drylands of Kenya for domestication. The proximate, minerals and vitamin content were determined. Results showed that the fruit did contain useful quantities of potassium, manganese, phosphorus and vitamin C. Besides, sodium, magnesium and calcium were also present in minute quantities.
Vitex payos, indigenous fruits, dry lands, nutrients, proximate, Kenya
Kimondo, J. M., Agea, J. G., Okia, C. A., Abohassan, R. A., Ndeunyema, E. T., Woiso, D. A., ... & Mulatya, J. M. (2012). Physiochemical and nutritional characterization of Vitex payos (Lour.) Merr.(Verbenaceae): an indigenous fruit tree of Eastern Africa. DOI: 10.5897/JHF12.010