Nakayi, RoseTwesiime-Kirya, MonicaKwagala, Dorothy2022-12-102022-12-102005Nakayi, R., Twesiime-Kirya, M., & Kwagala, D. (2005). The Women's Movement in Africa: Creative Initiatives and Lessons Learnt. East African journal of peace and human rights, 11(2), 265. Oxford Complete Word Finder defines a movement as a body of persons with a common object. However, there is no single accepted definition of the ‘Women’s Movement.’ Rather, it can be considered as the whole spectrum of conscious and unconscious individual or collective acts, activities, groups or organisations concerned with reducing gender subordination, which is understood as intersecting with race and class oppression. A movement is not static; it is a process and can be modified as it comes into contact with various aspects of life, including politics and communication, to mention but a few.enThe women’s movement in Africa: creative initiatives and lessons learntArticle