Vaarst, MetteNalunga, Jane2023-03-152023-03-152016Vaarst, M., & Nalunga, J. (2016). Agro-ecological system analysis (AESA) and farm planning. agriculture is based on knowledge, insight and whole farm approaches. The farming system must work for each farmer family. Crop rotation cycles must be based on planning ahead, sometimes more than 2 years, so that different elements of the farm can work together. Intercropping must be based on knowledge on which crops support each other. The surrounding nature must be considered in the planning, e.g. rainfall, animals in the environment, where some of them can be predators and some can eat the crops. Herbs and weeds can prove to be valuable sources of nutrients, medicine or bio-pesticides.enAgro-ecological systems analysis (AESA)Farmer Family Learning GroupsAgro-ecological system analysis (AESA) and farm planningTechnical Report