Namada, Juliana M.2022-12-072022-12-072013Namada, J. M. (2013). Strategic planning systems, organizational learning, strategy implementation and performance of firms in export processing zones in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi). main objective of this study was to determine the influence of strategic planning systems, organizational learning and strategy implementation on performance of firms min the EPZ in Kenya. This study premised on the view that strategic planning systems influences performance both directly as well as through mediation and moderation effects. This study adopted a multi theoretical approach where an integration of the open systems theory, the resource based view, dynamic capabilities theory, 4i (Intuition, Interpretation, Integration, Institutionalization) framework of organizational learning and institutional theory formed the theoretical anchorage. The study adopted a positivistic orientation utilizing cross section research design. To achieve the objectives, five hypotheses were tested. Objective one was subdivided into four sub hypotheses focusing on planning resources, management participation and planning techniques and confirmed significant results only on non financial performance except planning resources. Similarly, objective two confirmed significant influence on non financial performance. Notably, the third and fourth objectives confirmed the mediation of organizational learning and moderation of strategy implementation while objective five which focused on joint influence confirmed significant results on both the financial and non financial performance measures. The findings of this study are partially consistent with past studies.enstrategic planningorganizational learningStrategic Planning Systems, Organizational Learning, Strategy Implementation And Performance Of Firms In Export Processing Zones In KenyaArticle