Economic Policy Research Centre2021-12-202021-12-202020 is one of the most important resource held by Ugandans. However, the lack of real time, clear and accurate disaggregated gender statistics has repeatedly made it a challenge to develop policy responses to inequalities faced by women in Uganda. Indeed, reliable gender disaggregated statistics are fundamental in highlighting the disparities in land rights between men and women, and monitoring the progress of policy formulations for gender equality in the land tenure system. This brief illustrates the extent of gender data gaps with respect to land rights in Uganda. It underscores the urgent need for the Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD) to capture gender disaggregated data on land ownership and utilization. The gender data gaps can be addressed through sensitization and capacity building of stakeholders on collection of gender disaggregated data in the land sector.How can Uganda address gender data gaps in the land sector?enHow can Uganda address gender data gaps in the land sector?