Laenen, BenjaminTeddera, AndrewNowak, Michael D.Toräng, PerWunder, JörgWötzel, StefanSteige, Kim A.Kourmpetis, YiannisOdong, ThomasDrouzas, Andreas D.Bink, Marco C. A. M.Ågren, JonCoupland, GeorgeSlotte, Tanja2022-02-012022-02-012018Laenen, B., Tedder, A., Nowak, M. D., Toräng, P., Wunder, J., Wötzel, S., ... & Slotte, T. (2018). Demography and mating system shape the genome-wide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(4), 816-821. mating systems have profound effects on levels and structuring of genetic variation and can affect the impact of natural selection. Although theory predicts that intermediate outcrossing rates may allow plants to prevent accumulation of deleterious alleles, few studies have empirically tested this prediction using genomic data. Here, we study the effect of mating system on purifying selection by conducting population-genomic analyses on whole-genome resequencing data from 38 European individuals of the arctic-alpine crucifer Arabis alpina. We find that outcrossing and mixed-mating populations maintain genetic diversity at similar levels, whereas highly self-fertilizing Scandinavian A. alpina show a strong reduction in genetic diversity, most likely as a result of a postglacial colonization bottleneck.enSelf-fertilizationDemographic historyBottleneckFitness effectsGenetic loadDemography and mating system shape the genome-wide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpinaArticle