Matowe, LloydWaako, PaulOdoi Adome, RichardKibwage, IsaacMinzi, OmaryBienvenu, Emile2021-12-122021-12-122008Matowe, L., Waako, P., Adome, RO, Kibwage, I., Minzi, O., & Bienvenu, E. (2008). A strategy to improve skills in pharmaceutical supply management in East Africa: the regional technical resource collaboration for pharmaceutical management. Human resources for health , 6 (1), 1-6. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-6-3010.1186/1478-4491-6-30 initiatives such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the President's Malaria Initiative have significantly increased availability and access to medicines in some parts of the developing world. Despite this, however, skills remain limited on quantifying needs for medications and ordering, receiving and storing medications appropriately; recording medications inventories accurately; distributing medications for use appropriately; and advising patients on how to use medications appropriately. The Regional Technical Resource Collaboration for Pharmaceutical Management (RTRC) has been established to help address the problem of skills shortage in pharmaceutical management in East Africa.enSkillsPharmaceutical supply managementEast AfricaRegional technical resourcePharmaceutical managementA strategy to improve skills in pharmaceutical supply management in East Africa: the regional technical resource collaboration for pharmaceutical managementArticle