Jarolimova, JanaKabakyenga, JeromeBennett, KaraMuyindike, WinnieKembabazi, AnnetMartin, Jeffrey N.Hunt, Peter W.Boum, YapHaberer, Jessica E.Bangsberg, David R.Kaida, AngelaMatthews, Lynn T.2022-01-312022-01-312018Jarolimova J, Kabakyenga J, Bennett K, Muyindike W, Kembabazi A, Martin JN, et al. (2018) Contraceptive use following unintended pregnancy among Ugandan women living with HIV. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0206325. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0206325https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0206325https://nru.uncst.go.ug/xmlui/handle/123456789/1663Preventing unintended pregnancy is critical for women living with HIV (WLWH) to safely achieve their reproductive goals. Family planning services should support WLWH at risk of repeat unintended pregnancies. We examined the relationship between unintended pregnancy and subsequent contraception use among WLWH in Uganda. This was a retrospective analysis of data from a longitudinal cohort of individuals initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART), restricted to women with pregnancy (confirmed via urine β-hcg testing) between 2011–2013. The exposure of interest was intended vs unintended pregnancy, and the outcome was self-report of modern contraceptive use (hormonal methods, intrauterine device, sterilization, and/or consistent condom use) at 12 (range 6–18) months post-partum. A log-binomial model was used to estimate relative risks of modern contraceptive use post-partum based on intent of the index pregnancy, adjusted for age, socioeconomic status, education, relationship and HIV status of pregnancy partner, contraceptive use prior to pregnancy, years since HIV diagnosis, ART regimen, and CD4 cell count.enContraceptive usePregnancyUgandan womenHIVContraceptive use following unintended pregnancy among Ugandan women living with HIVArticle