Muhangi, Denis2022-03-092022-03-092004Muhangi, D. (2004). STUDY OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN UGANDA. study was conducted to enable better understanding of the nature, operations and scope of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the 20 districts of Uganda where UPHOLD operates. CSOs can be understood to include a range of non-government, non-profit, voluntary organizations that seek to achieve specified goals to benefit a cross-section of the population. The study is expected to provide information that would enable UPHOLD and districts to maximize the benefits of partnerships with CSOs and communities. The study was conducted in two phases, and the present report integrates results from both phases. Data for phase one was collected through documents review supplemented with key informant interviews. During the second phase, primary data was collected from local governments and a sample of 321 CSOs. In addition, workshops were held in districts with local government staff and representatives from CSOs, during which a dialogue process about CSO-local government relations was facilitated between the two sets of actors.enStudy of Civil Society Organizations in UgandaTechnical Report