Nakakawa, AgnesBommel, Patrick vanProper, Erik2023-02-052023-02-052010Nakakawa, A., van Bommel, P., & Proper, E. (2010). Towards a theory on collaborative decision making in enterprise architecture. In Global Perspectives on Design Science Research: 5th International Conference, DESRIST 2010, St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 4-5, 2010. Proceedings. 5 (pp. 538-541). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. challenges in enterprise architecture development indicate the need for collaborative decision making to be deployed during architecture creation. However, how this should be achieved remains ad hoc. This paper, therefore, presents an evolving theory that is currently being used to guide the development of a method for supporting collaborative decision making during enterprise architecture creation. The first iteration to evaluate the relevance of the concepts in this theory was done using an exploratory survey, and the findings are briefly presented.enEnterprise ArchitectureCollaborative Decision MakingTowards a Theory on Collaborative Decision Making in Enterprise ArchitectureOther