Abbasi, A.Spatharakis, C.Kanakis, G.André, N. S.Louchet, H.Katumba, A.Verbist, J.Yin, X.Bauwelinck, J.Avramopoulos, H.Roelkens, G.Morthier, G.2022-11-302022-11-302016Abbasi, A., Spatharakis, C., Kanakis, G., André, NS, Louchet, H., Katumba, A., ... & Morthier, G. (2016, March). PAM-4 and Duobinary direct modulation of a hybrid InP/SOI DFB laser for 40 Gb/s transmission over 2 km single mode fiber. In Optical Fiber Communication Conference (pp. M2C-6). Optical Society of America. demonstrate 40 Gb/s PAM-4 and Duobinary direct modulation of a heterogeneously integrated InP on SOI DFB laser. Transmission measurement was performed using a 2 km NZ-DSF with a PRBS 215 and 1.5 Vpp swing voltage.enPAM-4 and Duobinary Direct Modulation of a Hybrid InP/SOI DFB Laser for 40 Gb/s Transmission over 2 km Single Mode FiberOther