Musiime, VictorCook, Adrian.Kayiwa, JoshuaZangata, DorothyGibb, Diana M.Kityo, CissyKekitiinwa, AdeodataMulenga, VeronicaNansubuga, CarolArach, BeatriceKenny, JuliaWavamunno, PriscillaKabamba, DesireeAsiimwe, Alice R.Abongomera, George2021-12-102021-12-102013Musiime, V., Cook, A., Kayiwa, J., Zangata, D., Nansubuga, C., Arach, B., ... & Gibb, D. M. Differences in body circumference, skin fold thickness and lipid profile measurements among HIV-infected children on and not on stavudine-based therapy in Uganda and Zambia in the CHAPAS-3 clinical trial. is a major side effect of antiretroviral therapy (ART) especially in adults, and although there have been some reports among HIV-infected children [1,2], paediatric data are limited Stavudine (d4T) has particularly been associated with lipodystrophy among HIVinfected adults owing to intracellular accumulation of the drug and its metabolites In HIV-infected children, d4T clearance is enhanced, potentially protecting them from these effects [3]. In addition, the relative d4T dose in paediatric fixed dosecombination “baby” tablets is lower than used in adults, and is also lower compared to the 4mg/kg licensed dose for children [4] Features of lipodystrophy have been observed to reverse when children have been switched from d4T-containing regimens [5]; however, clinical lipodystrophy ismore difficult to diagnose in growing children than in adults We compared body circumferences, skin-fold thickness (SFT) and lipid levels, as objective measures of lipodystrophy, among HIV-infected ART naïve vs experienced children at enrolment into the CHAPAS-3 trial, and in HIV-uninfectedenHIVinfected childrenskin fold thicknesslipid profileCHAPAS-3 clinical trialDifferences in body circumference, skin fold thickness and lipid profile measurements among HIV-infected children on and not on stavudine-based therapy in Uganda and Zambia in the CHAPAS-3 clinical trialArticle