Shah, SnehalWhalen, ChristopherKotler, Donald P.Mayanja, HarrietNamale, AliceMelikian, GeorgeMugerwa, RoySemba, Richard D.2022-01-082022-01-082001Shah, S., Whalen, C., Kotler, D. P., Mayanja, H., Namale, A., Melikian, G., ... & Semba, R. D. (2001). Human Nutrition and Metabolism-Severity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Is Associated with Decreased Phase Angle, Fat Mass and Body Cell Mass in Adults with Pulmonary. Journal of Nutrition, 131(11), 2843-2847. coinfection with tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is emerging as a major problem in many developing countries, nutritional status has not been well characterized in adults with tuberculosis and HIV infection. We compared nutritional status between 261 HIV-positive and 278 HIV-negative adults with pulmonary tuberculosis in Kampala, Uganda, using anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Among 163 HIV-positive and 199 HIV-negative men, intracellular water–to–extracellular water (ICW:ECW) ratio was 1.48 6 0.26 and 1.59 6 0.48 (P 5 0.006) and phase angle was 5.42 6 1.05 and 5.76 6 1.30 (P 5 0.009), respectively. Among 98 HIV-positive and 79 HIV-negative women, ICW:ECW was 1.19 6 0.16 and 1.23 6 0.15 (P 5 0.11) and phase angle was 5.35 6 1.27 and 5.43 6 0.93 (P 5 0.61), respectively. There were no significant differences in BMI, body cell mass, fat mass or fat-free mass between HIV-positive and HIV-negative adults. Among HIV-positive subjects, BMI, ICW:ECW, body cell mass, fat mass and phase angle were significantly lower among those with CD41 lymphocytes # 200 cells/ m L compared with those who had .200 cells/ m L. In sub- Saharan Africa, coinfection with pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV is associated with smaller body cell mass and intracellular water, but not fat-free mass, and by large differences in ICW:ECW and phase angleenAcquired immune deficiency syndromeAIDSHuman immunodeficiency virus infectionHIVMalnutritionBody compositionBioelectrical impedanceTuberculosisHuman Nutrition and Metabolism Severity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Is Associated with Decreased Phase Angle, Fat Mass and Body Cell Mass in Adults with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Infection in UgandaArticle