Adamchak, Susan E.Kiragu, KarusaMuhwezi, MedardNelson, TobeyAkia-Fiedler, AnnKibombo, RichardJuma, Milka2023-02-232023-02-232007Adamchak, S. E., Kiragu, K., Watson, C., Muhwezi, M., Nelson, T. C., Akia-Fiedler, A., ... & Juma, M. (2007). The Straight Talk Campaign in Uganda: Impact of mass media initiatives—Summary report.DOI 10.31899/HIV2.1016 Horizons study in Uganda found that exposure by adolescents to Straight Talk, a mass media initiative focused on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), was associated with greater ASRH knowledge, a greater likelihood of having been tested for HIV, and more communication with parents about ASRH issues.enmass media initiativesStraight Talk CampaignImpactThe Straight Talk Campaign in Uganda: Impact of mass media initiativesTechnical Report