Onyelowe, Kennedy Chibuzor2022-09-122022-09-122015Onyelowe, KC (2015). Pure crude oil contamination on Amaoba lateritic soil. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , 20 (3), 1129-1142.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kennedy-Onyelowe/publication/276334207_Pure_Crude_Oil_Contamination_on_Amaoba_Lateritic_Soil/links/56c2a04c08aee5caccf9d5dc/Pure-Crude-Oil-Contamination-on-Amaoba-Lateritic-Soil.pdfhttps://nru.uncst.go.ug/handle/123456789/4697Crude oil boom in Nigeria created wealth and associated problems which since 1956 have not been fully resolved. Crude oil pollution ranging from leakage of oil pipelines, vandalisation of oil infrastructures, spillage as a result of transportation accident on oil platforms and installation etc. Unrecovered crude oil spilled on the land move under gravity saturating the soil on its path which in turn changes the geotechnical properties of the soil. The geotechnical properties of the soil are believed to have been compromised as a result of oil contamination. This research evolved because of the need to investigate the geotechnical properties of pure crude oil contaminated lateritic soil and assess its suitability in construction of civil engineering structures. The initial properties of the soil which served as control such as water content, specific gravity, and particle size analysis were determined and used to classify the soil. Four different variables of contamination were used; 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6% crude oil by mass of the engineering soil. Results show that there was change in the properties of the soil with increase in crude oil contamination. From 0% crude oil contamination, the void ratio decreases with increase in crude oil contamination which also affected the compression index of the soil. The Atterberg limit examination indicated the crude oil contamination affected both the bonding between the soil particles and the fluidity of the entire mixture.enCrude oilContaminationLateritic soil. AmaobaAtterbergPure Crude Oil Contamination on Amaoba Lateritic SoilArticle