Tegegne, TesfaKanagwa, Benjamin2022-12-042022-12-042010Tegegne, T., Kanagwa, B., & van der Weide, T. (2010, November). eHealth service discovery framework for a low infrastructure context. In 2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (pp. 606-610). IEEE.https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5645971/https://nru.uncst.go.ug/handle/123456789/5804eHealth services but also general Health services emphasize patient record management. Unfortunately the information in these records is not used to provide quicker, personalized eHealth services and appropriate treatment. Especially in a low infrastructure context where Health service providers are often overwhelmed by large number leads to degradation in service delivery. Domain specific service discovery with personalization aims at providing user-centric services. This is very important in a low infrastructure context where demands on the health services range over various aspects that reflect the massive variation in social economic development synonymous with developing countries. The focus of this paper is a framework for eHealth service discovery in low infrastructure context. To do this, we categorize the context of users and augment it with user specific profile. Our framework provides ontology based, context-aware semantic and personalized services.eneHealthService DiscoveryService Oriented Architecture(SOA)eHealth Service Discovery Framework for a Low Infrastructure ContextArticle