Kabanda, Patrick2022-11-012022-11-012017Kabanda, P. (2017). Do Pineapples Grow on Trees? Young People and Farming in Thailand, Uganda, and South Sudan.https://nru.uncst.go.ug/handle/123456789/5116In recent years, the rst thing that normally comes to mind when talking about food crises is climate change. Indeed, “given our failure to act on greenhouse gases,” as Paul Krugman has warned, “there will be much more, and much worse, to come.”[1] But there is another worrying trend in the disruption of food production. In Africa and in Asia, many young people despise farming despite the huge potential on these continents to grow food for global consumption. Although this problem isn’t limited to Africa and Asia, unless eective action is taken, this trend will continue to hurt the social agricultural practices that have sustained African and Asian homesteads for millennia.enDo Pineapples Grow on Trees? Young People and Farming in Thailand, Uganda, and South SudanArticle